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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Christmas Gifts

Last year for Christmas, I made of list of craft supplies I would like for my husband and daughter so they could get an idea of what I would like to add to my craft room.  On Christmas was I surprised when I opened gifts and found they had purchased EVERYTHING on my "want" list.  I was excited!

One of my gifts was The Cinch binding machine. Oh, I fell in love with it. I did quickly discover I did not care for the spiral bindings. I do, however, love the wire bindings as the book will actually lie flat when opened. 

For Christmas gifts this year, I made these two notebooks. One is for my mom and the other for my DIL Ashley. I updated the book I made myself last year to include the same pages they have in their books.

The notebooks have a 2014 two-page calendar with family birthdays off to the right under the "Important" column. Our family just doesn't have any birthdays in March (picture below).

There is a section for recipes. I am always looking for a piece of paper to write down a favorite recipe so I thought this might come in handy for them. I placed page __ of __ at the bottom so they could finish a recipe on another page if necessary.

The last section is Menus and Shopping Lists. I plan my week of evening meals (dinner or supper, depending on what part of the country you are from) so this is super easy for me to know what ingredients I need for each menu.  I can take my book with me to the grocery store or jot down the needed items on my grocery list.  I thought this might also be helpful for them as well.

I hope you like the books and that they do as well!

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